7 Secrets to Feeling Great as You Age

Finding more gray hairs on your head doesn’t mean that you have to feel terrible all the time.

Happy man plays with young child at home.

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It never pays to neglect your health. You may worry that you're losing your mental and physical agility. Don't worry! There are some things you can do to keep you feeling mentally sharp and physically energized.

Here are seven ways you can feel great even as you age:

Take care of your ticker

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is now the number one cause of death in the United States. If you're concerned, there are steps that you can take to ensure your heart stays in tip-top shape.

Talk with your healthcare provider about checking your cholesterol levels, monitoring your blood pressure, and sticking to a healthy diet and exercise regime.

Build up those bones

According to studies, you start to lose bone density after the age of 30. This increases your risk for osteoporosis, a disease that causes brittle, thin, and weakened bones. It can take much from you, but it doesn’t take much to keep it under control with calcium and vitamin D.

It’s recommended that women who are 51 and older get 1200 mg of calcium a day and men get 1000 mg. Consider adding a high-quality calcium supplement to your diet or consume foods rich in calcium and vitamin D like dairy products, leafy vegetables, salmon, and nuts. Talk to your healthcare provider before starting a new diet or taking supplements.

Level up those hormones

As you age, your hormones go through significant changes.

Menopause, for example, causes shifts in estrogen that can lead to mood changes, night sweats, and trouble falling asleep. Low testosterone can cause hair loss, sleep troubles, and hot flashes among other symptoms.

Don’t be afraid to meet with your healthcare provider about your hormones and any changes that you’ve been experiencing.

Mind your mental health

How are you feeling emotionally? How is your memory?

Asking yourself these questions on a regular basis can help you take note of any changes in your mental acuity and know when to seek help.

For those struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges, there are some things you can do to help. There are many remedies such as exercising and taking deep breathes that can help you manage the symptoms of anxiety and depression. As for keeping your memory sharp, physical exercise and mental exercises like sudoku or other puzzles have been proven to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Related: Activities for Seniors: How to Boost Your Memory

Move your muscles

As you age, exercise becomes more important than ever. It has many benefits such as reducing the risk of bone fractures and coronary heart disease. It also promotes healthy bones, muscles, and joints.

Whether you engage in yoga or go on a walk with your dog a few times a week, moving your body will do wonders for your overall health. Work with your healthcare provider on finding a routine that you will not only stick with, but one that will provide you with the results you're looking for.

Don’t slack on sleep

Sleep does not become less important as you age. Quality sleep prevents mood swings, improves your memory, and decreases the risks and symptoms for diseases like diabetes.

Aim to get quality sleep each night and try to stick to the same sleep schedule. If you aren't getting enough rest, you are putting yourself at risk for developing conditions such as depression, weight problems, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Related: Why Sleep Is Important at Any Age

Call your healthcare provider

The older you get, the more you’ll want to routinely visit with your healthcare provider to check in on your health. Regular screenings like colonoscopies and bone density scans can give you an idea of the state of your health and prevent diseases from progressing.

Don’t be afraid to ask your healthcare provider questions, especially the ones that you might find too personal or embarrassing—that’s what they are there for. Keep a running list of questions or concerns you have about your health, so you can reference them when the time comes.

Healthcare providers will always be available to help you find answers and keep you feeling at your best no matter your age.

Related: 5 Tips to Healthy Aging


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