Supergraphic Hero Eggplant

Wellness Webinars

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Individual Classes

Find single classes on a variety of topics not contained in our series offerings, including season specific classes, popular health topics and more!

Healthy Eating Classes

This four-class series focuses on learning to eat and cook healthier. Throughout this series you will learn the basics of nutrition, healthier cooking techniques, and how to make healthy substitutions. Classes will be offered once a month for four months.

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therapy counseling

Stress Less Classes

This interactive three-class series focuses on the impact of stress on your overall well-being and the benefits of learning to manage stress. Participants will practice different techniques throughout the series. Classes will be offered once a month for four months.

Get Moving Classes

This three class series provides knowledge and demonstrations on a variety of ways to stay active. Classes will be held once a month for three months.

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Meditation Classes

Join us for our Meditation Mondays! Every Monday at 12:00pm we will have a 15 minute guided meditation! Join for a bit of relaxation as your start your  week!