Fruits and Veggies That Help Burn Fat

Make your food work for you—eat produce that helps burn fat naturally.

Couple cooking a healthy dinner with fruits and veggies together.

Exercise alone can’t make up for an unhealthy diet. If you’re exercising and still not seeing results, it may be time to take a closer look at what you’re eating. And if burning fat is your goal, consider including more fat-burning produce to your menu.

Pitted fruits

It may sound too good to be true, but peaches are helping you fight obesity-related diseases. A study by Texas AgriLife research showed that pitted fruits contain compounds that help with obesity-related diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Stone fruits like peaches are low in sugar, as far as fruits go. A medium peach has less than 13 grams, so it’s a good fruit to rely on for individuals who are watching their sugar intake.


Because of the immense amount of fiber in grapefruit, it takes a long time to digest, which can make you feel full longer. The fruit itself doesn’t burn fat, but it fills you up with fewer calories.

Kale, spinach, and Swiss chard

Leafy greens are a staple in almost every healthy diet. Similar to grapefruit, they are packed with fiber but low in calories. This means you can add them to almost any meal to bulk up the volume without adding many calories. As a plus, these dark leafy vegetables are packed with nutrients.


In general, berries are healthy and nutritious. They are packed with antioxidants, are high in fiber, and can satisfy a sweet tooth with very few calories. Not only are blueberries considered a superfood, a study by the University of Michigan suggests they may also reduce abdominal fat.

Cruciferous veggies

Cruciferous is a fancy word to describe vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, collard greens, cabbage, bok choy, and cabbage. Vegetables in the cruciferous family have a surprising amount of protein. Brussels sprouts, for example, have three grams of protein in one cup. The high amount of protein and fiber these vegetables contain makes them great fat-fighting foods.

Hot peppers

While these probably won’t have a large impact on burning fat, they can help you eat less. Capsaicin, a chemical in jalapenos and habaneros, temporarily reduces your appetite and increases your metabolism. Capsaicin is also a chemical that burns your skin on contact, so be careful when cutting hot peppers. Be sure to wear protective gloves and avoid touching the seeds.


Avocados are a fatty fruit. But, ironically, the fat in avocados may help prevent your body from storing fat. This unusual fruit also has a lot of fiber and potassium. Because of its natural creaminess, avocados make a great substitute for mayo-based salad dressings.

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