How to Make Time for Exercise

Find the time to exercise with these simple tips.

Older people stack hands after making time to exercise and workout.

People are busier than ever before. Even just finding time to do the things you enjoy can be a struggle, and finding time to do the things you need to do for your own health and well-being can be even more difficult.

If you feel like it’s impossible to include a workout in your daily routine, use these tips to find time in your day for exercise.

Improve your overall health

It’s important to understand the importance of regular physical activity. Exercise is good for your mental and physical health, and it’s something that everyone needs regardless of their age or body type.

Working out can boost your mental health by improving your mood and decreasing feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. Physical activity produces endorphins, the feel-good hormones that generate positive emotions.

Exercise is also good for your physical health, helping to strengthen your muscles and bones. As people get older, they often lose muscle function and mass, which increases the risk of injury.

Related: How Exercise Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Continuing to stay active into your golden years is just as important as it is when you’re younger. Regular exercise can also help you reach a healthy weight while reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. It’s worthwhile to make the time to work out, and it may even help you live a longer, healthier life.

Get regular exercise

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise—like walking or biking—each week. On a daily basis, however, it is good to find some form of physical activity for at least 30 minutes throughout the day.

Related: Stop Making Excuses and Get Fit

Wake up earlier

If you’re struggling to figure out when you can fit a workout into your already packed schedule, try waking up an hour earlier and using that time to exercise. Taking care of kids, working, and handling household responsibilities can make it tough, so having that extra hour to yourself can help you feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the challenges you face.

Join a team

People are naturally social creatures, and extroverted people tend to get their energy from interacting with others. If you want to get exercise while fueling your social needs and once it is safe to do so, try joining a sports team or recreational league that allows you to be around other people. You can look for opportunities like volleyball, soccer, and softball teams through your local parks and recreation department or utilizing local social media groups.

Involve your family (and friends)

Getting your family (and friends) involved in your physical activity goals can help everyone get healthier while spending quality time together. If you have younger kids, try pushing them in a stroller as you walk or jog around your neighborhood. You could even just plan a nightly post-dinner walk with the whole crew.

Use your lunch break

If you’re busy with work, try using the free time you have during your workday to get in some activity. Take a walk around the parking lot of your workplace or find a gym nearby that you can visit during your lunch break. If you have coworkers who are fun to be around, ask them if they’d be interested in walking with you and helping to keep you accountable and consistent.

Exercise during your downtime

Even with a packed schedule, you likely have a little bit of downtime a few days a week. You might spend your downtime in front of the TV or catching up on your favorite reading material. Combine your favorite activities with something that will boost your mental and physical health by working out while you watch TV or read. Try saving your favorite shows for your workout times to make the exercise more appealing and exciting.

Finding time in your busy schedule to stay active might seem impossible, but with these tips, you’re well on your way to living a healthier and more active lifestyle. Exercise is something that offers both immediate and long-term benefits, which can help you stick with a program and remain consistent in your efforts.

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