How to Remain Optimistic in a Job Search

These tips just might help you with your job search.

Man at his computer looking for a job, how to remain optimistic in a job search

Writing resumes, cover letters, networking, interviewing, being rejected—it can be grueling. It’s a challenge to stay optimistic when you’re job searching, but here are a few ways to make the process more bearable.

Commit to a routine

Just like you’d wake up and get ready the same time every day for a job, you should do the same while job searching. Finding a job is a full-time pursuit. Some studies show dressing up in an office is linked to better success. Why not give yourself that benefit even if you are staying home? If you’re not sure what a routine day should look like, consider this wellness expert’s ideal 24-hour schedule.

Realize you’re not alone

Three in five Americans have had either a gap in their career or been unemployed, according to a 2019 survey. So, you’re in good company. If you were laid off, some research indicates that being fired can make you a stronger professional moving forward.

Talk about it like it’s your job (because it is)

Because so many people have been in your situation before, if you give them the right resources to help, most will try. This doesn’t mean you should expect results when you casually ask if they know of an opening anywhere. This means you’re talking to everyone you know.

Tell them about your skills and experience and what you’re looking for. Tell them you are looking for any connections with someone who may know something. Not just someone who has a job for you. Talking about it with everyone helps keep your momentum going.

Related: 5 Tips to Building a Great Resume

Make mini goals

Of course, your goal is to get a job. But there are a lot of tiny steps along the way to meet that main goal. Set small goals so you can have the satisfaction of meeting many goals along the way. Those can include writing a specific cover letter to a certain amount of companies per day, going out to lunch with a network connection, or making a network phone call. Give yourself the satisfaction at the end of the day of checking off goals from your list.

Have your exit statement ready

If you were laid off or have been unemployed for a while, talking about why can feel awkward. But it doesn’t need to be.

Layoffs are common. It doesn’t mean it isn’t sad and you can’t mourn it, but it does mean you can talk about it without shame. This is where an exit statement comes in. An exit statement answers why you are looking for a new job. It’s like a personal press release. It might sound something like this:

“Because of a merger at [the name of your company], the sales and marketing team was eliminated. This included my job as the North American Marketing Director. I’m excited to use my skills in _____, ______, _______ to benefit another company as their marketing director. I know they’ll value my 12 years of experience.”

Your statement is short, thought out, natural, and tells anyone you talk to exactly what you’re looking for and why you’re a great catch. Having it ready gives you more confidence to ask everyone for referrals.

Take a class

Professional outplacement services classes help revive your optimism and remind you that you have a lot to offer. If you’re in a city, there will be a lot of options, but even in smaller towns you can find great help from online classes.

Most importantly, keep going. After some effort and time, you can find a great job.

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