4 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Wondering why your coworker can eat twice as much as you without gaining weight? Your metabolism might be partly to blame.

Girl working out, stretching next to a water bottle.

If you’ve ever stepped on the scale, raised a fist to the sky, and solemnly cursed your metabolism, you’re probably looking for a way to ensure it never lets you down again. But metabolism is sorely misunderstood, and before you go around cursing things, it’s helpful to know more about what’s going on inside your body.

Metabolism is the name of a chemical process. It’s not—as some people believe—an individual body part like a thyroid gland or a spleen. Think of it as many parts and processes of your body all working together toward a common goal: converting your food to energy.

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The faster your metabolism works, the more efficiently you’ll be able to use the food you eat. That’s good because you have more leeway in the amount of calories you consume. If you have a slow, inefficient metabolism, weight loss is going to be much harder. However, there are four simple things you can do to make sure your metabolism is working properly so you can feel healthy and get the most out of your calories.

1. Lift weights 

Cardio is great, but if you’re looking to increase your metabolism, weight lifting is where it’s at. Men are more inclined to lift weights; it’s women who resist the lift, and that’s a pity because weight lifting is super beneficial. Most women are afraid that they’ll get “bulky” from weights, but that’s just not true. Building muscle means you’ll be able to burn more calories while you’re resting. You may find that you look better and your clothes will be looser because you’ll be more toned.

2. Sleep 

This one seems like a no-brainer, but Americans still don’t get enough sleep. If your body isn’t rested, it can’t be expected to perform well. If you want to maximize your metabolism, get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. You’ll also find that your ability to resist snacking is improved when you’re rested.

3. Eat fiber 

Soluble fiber helps feed helpful bacteria in your gut, which decreases inflammation and helps prevent obesity. We rely on carbohydrates for energy, and fiber has been shown to help digest those carbohydrates more efficiently. Adding soluble fiber to your diet will also help you feel fuller longer.

4. Drink water 

Water is the key to life, and it turns out it’s also one of the easiest ways to help your metabolism. Drinking water increases your metabolism by up to 25% for nearly an hour after drinking it. That means if you drink a few cups of water every hour, you’ll keep your metabolism at peak performance all day.  

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These four tips have been shown to aid your metabolism and contribute to weight loss. Commit yourself to a weightlifting routine, get plenty of sleep, eat fiber, and drink more water to ensure you won’t find yourself cursing your own metabolism: after all, it’s on your side.

While you’re here, check out our other healthy living articles.   


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