6 Things to Do in the Morning to Have a Successful Day

Starting your morning right is your best bet to having a successful day—no matter what life decides to throw at you.

Woman waking up for a successful day 

You might already have a solid routine in the morning. But if you don’t, we have some tips to get you started. When trying to decide what works best for you, consider what you know about yourself, your habits, and your personality. For example, if you know that you will take a few minutes to get out of bed, set your alarm a bit earlier. Planning ahead will set the tone for the great day you have ahead of you.


1. Stick to a schedule

If you know exactly how your morning should go, you won’t scramble to do things you forgot to do, like eat breakfast or make the bed. Follow a morning schedule by waking up, getting dressed, and eating breakfast at the same time each day. Check your planner the night before so you know exactly what’s coming your way the next morning. Know you have a hard time picking out an outfit? Choose one the night before. It’s the little things that will make a big difference in the flow of your morning and the rest of your day.

2. Get up a few minutes early

Giving yourself more time in the morning to prepare instead of rushing through your daily routine will set a less stressful tone for the day. Get up and give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you aren’t forgetting anything, and you’ll thank yourself later. Need more sleep? Go to bed earlier. Don’t keep hitting the snooze, or you’ll be getting low-quality sleep that may make you feel more tired. (Hint: The snooze button is not your friend).

3. Eat breakfast

No really, eat it. Saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day isn’t wrong. Eating breakfast will ensure a clear mind and it will give you the energy you need to conquer the day. Plus, our metabolism tends to work better earlier in the day. So, there’s no need to feel any breakfast guilt.

Related: Don’t Skip Meals: Here are 5 Tips to Planning Weight-Loss Friendly Meals

4. Take the stairs

Anything that gets your blood pumping will wake you up and help you feel a bit more alive in the morning. Even just taking the stairs can add a bit more bounce to your step. We all know exercise releases endorphins, and these could be just what you need to start your day off right and with a good attitude!

5. Drink water

Did you know that your morning drowsiness could in part be due to dehydration? Fill up your water bottle and drink some water first thing to help your body wake up.  

6. Think positively

The first thing you think when you wake up will set your mood the rest of the day. Woke up crabby? Fake it until you make it! Think positively and act like today is going to be a good day. Pretend to be excited and you’ll begin to believe it.  

And while you’re here, check out our other articles on healthy living. For information on our medical and dental plans, visit selecthealth.org/plans.  


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