Lab results, imaging reports, appointments, personalized plan information, claim details, and Explanation of Benefits (EOB) all through one convenient member portal.
Be Well
Be Well resources like healthy recipes, trainings on how to recognize stress and use our online symptom checker, information about sports training programs, and more.
Member Discounts
Member-only savings on services and products that aren’t covered by your plan. Get discounts on LASIK, eyewear, hearing aids, nutritional supplements, and more.
Benefits As Flexible As You.
Here’s what you need to know.
The minimum term for a plan is 30 days and the maximum is 90 days.
You can see any provider for covered services and receive the same level of benefits. However, using in-network providers helps avoid potential excess charges.
These plans do not cover certain items and services, such as prescription drugs, preventive care, mental health, or maternity.
Pre-existing conditions are not covered, regardless of whether you currently have or previously had coverage.
Plans Are Good For Those:
Employees in a waiting period for group coverage.
Individuals who missed the open enrollment window.
People who have been laid off or who are in between jobs.
Recent graduates.
New business owners.
Children who are no longer eligible under a parent’s plan.
Seasonal or contract employees.
Our Sales Team is here to help with any questions you may have.