10 Tips to Save Money This Summer

Here are ten tips to help you save money this summer.

Man on the computer figuring out budget ideas for saving money in the summer.

There’s so much to do during the summer—try these simple ways to save money so you can use it on the things you really want to do.

1. Consolidate your trips to the store

This could help save what you’re spending on gas, but the real savings come by eliminating trips to the store. Most people are bad at “just grabbing milk” during a quick trip to the store. Before you know it, that gallon of milk (plus whatever you walked by that you remembered you needed) adds up. Plan ahead and make a list to remind you of what you need—it could save you more money than you think.

2. Utilize Mother Nature to cool your house

If you’re not doing this already, it’s an easy and refreshing habit to adopt. On nights when the temperature drops to 70° or lower, open your windows to cool down your house. You can also put fans in the windows to help pull in the cooler air. Just make sure to close the windows again in the morning before it heats back up. This can save you on electricity costs by not running your air conditioning as much when it’s warm.

3. Buy road trip snacks BEFORE you leave

Convenience stores may charge higher prices for certain snacks and food. You may be able to cut your road trip food costs by stopping at the grocery store before you start your trip. A big bag of already prepared baby carrots will cost you less than three dollars. A small baggie at the convenience store can easily cost twice that.

4. Consider all of your options for exercise

In the summer, the whole world is your gym. During the warmer months, consider suspending your gym membership to save money while you explore the great outdoors.

5. Keep your curtains and blinds closed during the day

Blocking the sunshine can dramatically improve your energy bill. You’ll be happy about it when your monthly bill arrives.

6. Go to a local event instead of a movie

Check your local events page in the newspaper or the events on Facebook to find free activities in your community.

7. Wash your clothes in cold water

About 75% of the energy you use doing a load of laundry comes from heating the water. Your clothes can still get clean even without using hot water. If saving money isn’t enough incentive, cold water also helps your clothes last longer by not putting the same strain on them that warm water does.

8. Cook outside

Cooking in your house significantly increases the temperature inside. Make grilling a summertime tradition. Try cooking pizza on the grill with this recipe. If you don’t have a grill, thrift stores nearly always have some type of countertop grill you can also cook with outside.

9. Replace your air filter

Dirty filters make cooling your house less efficient, which in turn makes it more expensive. Changing an air filter is easily overlooked because it doesn’t seem like a pressing issue, but get it done now so you can have an effective AC unit all summer long.

10. Plan a staycation instead

Planning a great getaway doesn’t mean you have to travel from home. The average American spends $1,979 on a summer vacation every year. You could easily cut that in half (or more) and have an amazing vacation at home doing things you don’t normally do because they’re too expensive.

Summer is here, and with these tips and tricks, you might have even more options in front of you.


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