Vori Health Press Release

10/12/2023 | Press Release

Select Health Adds Value-Based Virtual Tool to Improve Outcomes for Medicare Advantage Members with Musculoskeletal Conditions

Select Health today announced a relationship with Vori Health, a nationwide specialty medical practice and industry leader in the treatment of muscle and joint pain. The agreement is aimed at addressing the needs of Select Health Medicare members by increasing access to services focused on improving health outcomes related to musculoskeletal pain and tools to reduce unnecessary orthopedic services.

Musculoskeletal conditions, such as back, neck, and joint pain are the leading causes of physical disability globally, affecting movement and function at various stages of life. A significant portion of the affected population comprises older adults, with a considerable number of seniors experiencing these issues. Given the widespread impact and associated cost of musculoskeletal problems, Select Health recognized the need to establish a relationship that not only addressed these challenges, but also brought added value to its Medicare Advantage members.

"The prevalence and cost associated with joint pain and its increasing prevalence across the country was the motivation behind this collaboration with Vori Health,” said Heather O’Toole, MD, Select Health vice president and chief medical officer. “Our relationship is a move that will grant Select Health Medicare members with enhanced access to trained experts and services. These resources have the potential to minimize unnecessary medical procedures, optimize patient outcomes, and contribute to overall improvements in a patient’s well-being.”

With the assistance of modern technology, this collaboration allows Select Health Medicare members to receive complete medical support and services through various digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, or computers. The convenient accessibility ensures that members can access the care they need from the comfort of their own homes. Vori Health’s doctor-led care teams manage all aspects of treatment including a comprehensive medical evaluation and diagnosis, non-opioid prescriptions if needed, physical therapy, and healthy lifestyle coaching.

"Partnering with forward-thinking health plans like Select Health is how we’re going to put patients back at the center of care,” said Ryan Grant, MD, Vori Health’s co-founder and CEO. “Driving value to the patient first has always been our mission, and now with Select Health, we’re able to do that for millions of members across the West, as well as in their expanding markets."

The relationship between Select Health and Vori Health aligns with the broader industry shift towards value-based care, where the focus is on providing patient-centered, and cost-effective healthcare services. Select Health is committed to providing its members with simple and seamless healthcare experiences. Differentiators such as the agreement with Vori Health offer an approach with the potential to improve the overall healthcare experience for members and deliver value-based care conveniently and effectively.