Enrollment Options for FEHB Medical Plans:
- Choose a medical plan
- New hires have 60 days to choose benefits
- Have the answers to the following questions ready:
- Will you be enrolling yourself only or you and your family?
- Which plan did you select?
- What is the enrollment code for that plan?
- Most agencies enroll electronically using one of the online tools listed below:
- If your agency uses paper forms, you will need the SF 2809 (available below)
- Print it, fill it out, and provide a copy to your human resources office: SF 2809 form
- If you are an annuitant (retiree), and would like to enroll in a Select Health plan, please see below:
- To enroll online using the Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) Open Season online system: visit https://retireefehb.opm.gov/
- To enroll by phone: call the OPM Retirement Information Center at 1-888-767-6738 (or 1-800-878-5707 for a TDD for the hearing impaired)
- Retirees in the Washington DC local calling area who are needing a TDD for the hearing impaired: call 202-606-0551
- Send an email to OPM at retire@opm.gov