Open Enrollment Is Over. Now What?

Now that open enrollment is over, what should you be doing to keep on top of your health insurance?


Open enrollment can be stressful. There’s a lot of worry in picking out the right health insurance plan for you and your family. But the end of open enrollment shouldn't mean the end of keeping on top of your health plan. Here are the next tasks to add to your to-do list to get the most out of your health insurance plan.

Double-check your plan

The first paychecks of the year have rolled out by now. Be sure that the amount taken out of your paycheck is correct. Make sure all dependents are listed correctly. If there are any errors, now is the time to make corrections. HR representatives from your company or agents from your insurance plan are available to answer questions you have about any changes your insurance plan may have made since last year.

Related: Now That You’re Enrolled, What Happens Next?

Check your mailbox.

Now that open enrollment is over, you’ll likely be getting more health insurance-related mail. Be on the lookout for fresh ID cards for the new year. If you have an FSA or an HSA, you may be getting new cards for those as well.

Re-visit your healthcare budget.

For many, 2022 was a year of relatively modest healthcare costs. However, experts are predicting a 5.4% rise in healthcare costs for 2023 as inflation hits the medical industry and people begin seeking more treatment for procedures they put off at the beginning of the pandemic. A portion of the increased costs will probably be absorbed by your employer, but the extra expenses for copays and premiums are something you’ll need to budget for nevertheless. Now that you have your HSA or FSA accounts reset for the year, start planning how to spend that money in the most advantageous way possible.

Start scheduling appointments.

Open enrollment is over and your deductible is reset, so this is the time to start scheduling health-related appointments. The earlier you schedule, the more likely you will be able to see your first-choice providers on the date that works best for you. Scheduling should be even easier this year, too. More health insurance providers are offering telehealth services than ever before, which means you get increased appointment flexibility. As you’re scheduling appointments, double-check that your physician and their office are in-network for your insurance—just in case something has changed.

Related: Here Are the Tools and Resources You’ll Need as a Select Health Member

Learn more about subsidies.

Many Americans get health insurance through their employer. However, for people who are self-employed, are under a certain income level, or fit other requirements, other insurance options may be available. If you choose a plan through or another provider, your budget may be catching a break. Subsidies are being expanded in 2023. For example, if you’re buying health insurance on the public marketplace, expanded subsidies that were put in place for 2021 and 2022 were extended through 2025 in the Inflation Reduction Act. This means that there is no income cap to qualify for cost-saving subsidies. Similarly, UnitedHealthcare expanded its subsidies for healthcare plans for 2023 in 22 states. Benefits include $0 unlimited urgent care, $0 unlimited primary care, and complimentary digital fitness classes.

By following these simple steps, you can make sure that your health insurance is working for you and your loved ones all year-round. If you're a Select Health member and have more questions on how to get the most out of your plan, don't hesitate to call our Member Services team!

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