Medicare Updates

Medicare Product Training

Our Medicare product training is underway. To get a jump on training, agents can complete the product training in one of two ways.

Option 1

Option 2

The Select Health Advantage annual product training is now available and contains overall plan details and benefit information for 2022. With our 5-Star rating, you have nearly six months of selling opportunity. Why wait? Beginning September 1, 2022, product training will be updated to contain our 2023 product details.

Agents can choose to complete the module now to satisfy the requirement and be considered ready to sell for 2023. New agents that complete the module will be considered ready to sell for 2022 and 2023. Agents who wish to view the module with 2023 benefit details can complete the module beginning September 1.  

The 2023 Summary of Benefits will be emailed to all agents who complete the product training module prior to September 1. 

Agents may begin marketing prospective plan year offerings on October 1 of each year for the following contract year. MA organizations may market the current and prospective year simultaneously provided materials clearly indicate what year is being discussed.

Remember, agents must be licensed, appointed, and certified with 2023 AHIP or NAHU certification training prior to completing our product training module. Contact for appointment. 

All agents are invited and encouraged to attend our AEP Kick-off Events to be hosted in your area. These events will review exciting new 2023 plan and benefit information and provide helpful selling tips! 

Please note, agent Seminars in Twin Falls and Boise will include information about Medicare Advantage. 

If you have questions, contact your account executive.

Medicare AEP

Our Medicare Advantage Product, Marketing, and Sales teams have been working hard to set you up for success this AEP. We’ve got lots in store, from benefits and plan designs to updates for each market, and we’re excited to share them with you! You should have received a survey via email about how you’d like to receive your Medicare Sales materials this year. Please respond in a timely manner so we can provide the best experience for your needs. If you sell Medicare Advantage plans, we hope to see you at one of our Agent Seminars this year.

CMS Updates – Model Individual Enrollment Request Form

Select Health updated and reformatted its 2023 Medicare Advantage Enrollment forms to match the 2023 CMS model. Please see the updates and their associated pages below.

First page

You will find a section about homelessness, a disclaimer involving the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, and an “Important” notice about sending materials to the PRA Reports Clearance Office.

Individuals experiencing homelessness

If you want to join a plan but have no permanent residence, a Post Office Box, an address of a shelter or clinic, or the address where you receive mail (e.g., social security checks) may be considered your permanent residence address.

Fifth Page

You will find the below disclaimer about being enrolled on only one MA Plan at a time and sections for race and ethnicity. Please note that this content is optional and will not delay the enrollment if the enrollee elects not to respond.

  • I understand that I can be enrolled in only one MA plan at a time—and that enrollment in this plan will automatically end my enrollment in another MA plan (exceptions apply for MA PFFS, MA MSA plans).

Are you Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin? Select all that apply.

  • No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin
  • Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a
  • Yes, Puerto Rican
  • Yes, Cuban
  • Yes, another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin
  • I choose not to answer.

What’s your race? Select all that apply.

  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian Indian
  • Black or African American
  • Chinese
  • Filipino
  • Guamanian or Chamorro
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Native Hawaiian
  • Other Asian
  • Other Pacific Islander
  • Samoan
  • Vietnamese
  • White
  • I choose not to answer.