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Agent Insight
Medicare Updates.

SOGI Enrollment Form Updates – What You Need to Know.

CMS recently issued regulatory updates regarding Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries. The regulations require content referencing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) be removed from paper and electronic enrollment forms.

As these updates roll out, you may notice adjustments to the forms you use. If you come across any enrollment forms that still contain SOGI-related questions, please skip those questions and leave them blank. This ensures compliance with CMS guidelines as we complete the necessary updates.

We appreciate your cooperation and attention to these changes. If you have any questions or encounter any issues with enrollment forms, please call the Medicare Advantage Agent Support (MAAS) line at 801-442-7320, or email

New Medicare Quick Guide – A Must-Have for Agents.

Medicare can be complex, but explaining it to your clients just got easier! Our new Medicare Quick (Medicare 101) Guide is designed to simplify Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage, making it easier for you to educate clients in seminars, events, and one-on-one meetings.

How to Get Your Copy:

Order printed copies in Select Health Link.

View or download the PDF online.

This guide is a valuable tool to enhance your Medicare conversations. It covers topics such as:

  • Parts A, B, C, and D of Medicare
  • Who's eligible for Medicare
  • What premiums look like on Medicare
  • Types of Medicare plans
  • What to consider when shopping for a Medicare plan
  • Important dates to remember
  • And more!

If you have any questions, please call the Medicare Advantage Agent Support (MAAS) line at 801-442-7320, or email

Boost Membership for Select Health Medicare + Kroger Members.

Select Health Medicare + Kroger (HMO) members can enjoy a Boost membership for no additional cost, providing valuable perks to enhance their shopping experience at Kroger and affiliated stores.

What is Boost?

Boost is Kroger's membership program designed to make grocery shopping more convenient and rewarding. Benefits include:

> $59 Boost membership for no extra cost.
> Exclusive member offers and free items, whether shopping online or in-store.*
> Free next-day delivery.¹
> 2x fuel points.²

*Reminder: Benefits MasterCard® Prepaid Flex Card cannot be used to pay for online OTC and/or grocery orders.

How do members get their Boost membership?

To receive their membership, a member will:

  1. Sign into their Kroger account or create an account if needed. They should use the appropriate Boost membership site for the grocery store where they shop.
    Colorado: King Soopers Boost Membership or City Market Boost Membership
    Idaho: Fred Meyer Boost Membership
    Nevada and Utah: Smith's Food and Drug Boost Membership
  2. Select the $59/year plan option and click “Check Availability.”
  3. Click “Enroll Now” and enter their Benefits MasterCard® Prepaid Flex Card as the form of payment. Their Flex Card has a preloaded purse that is designated for the Boost membership.

Reminder: Boost memberships must be set up online using the Flex Card, not in-store.

If your clients have questions about using their Flex Card, please encourage them to contact Select Health Member Services for support.

For inquiries related to the Boost program, members should contact Kroger Customer Service at 1-833-557-4278.

1 Delivery: $35 order minimum. Restrictions apply. Subject to availability. Delivery time is not guaranteed.

2 2x Fuel Points: Restrictions apply. See site for details. Fuel points cannot be earned on alcohol, tobacco, gift cards or lottery tickets. Fuel Points can be redeemed at participating fuel locations.

Earn $50 for Helping Members Complete the Health Risk Assessment (HRA). 

Encourage your Select Health Medicare clients enrollees to complete their HRA and earn a $50 incentive. HRAs help us understand new members' health concerns and offer the right resources and support.  

  1. How to complete the HRA: 
  2. Log in to Select Health Link.  
  3. Use the Member Search feature to find the member.  

Complete the HRA within 14 days of the member’s enrollment to be eligible for the $50 incentive.  

DSNP Members Earn a Reward, Too. Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plan (DSNP) members can also earn a $50 reward for completing their HRA. Encourage them to participate!  

Help your clients and secure your incentive. Log into Select Health Link today and get started!  
For questions, contact your Sales Account Executive, call the Medicare Advantage Agent Support (MAAS) line at 801-442-7320, or email

Medicare Beneficiary Survey Information.

Each year, from March to June, the Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services (CMS) survey a sample of Medicare plan members. This survey impacts CMS Stars ratings and asks questions about a member’s experience with Select Health plans. This includes understanding their benefits, interactions with customer service, and access to schedule appointments or receive care from a doctor.

Members chosen to participate can complete a survey by email, mail, or phone. Members’ input is vital in maintaining high CMS Stars ratings and helping us deliver the best care possible. Please encourage your Medicare clients to provide feedback if selected. 

Members can share feedback anytime by emailing us