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Medicare Frequently
Asked Questions

To request a printed copy of any of our plan notices or materials, call Member Services at 855-442-9900 (TTY:711)



Medicare Advantage

What is Original Medicare?
What is Medicare Advantage?
What are the differences between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage?
What is the Part D late enrollment penalty?
When can I join, switch, or drop a Medicare Advantage Plan?
What are HMO, PPO and SNP plans?
Who can join a Medicare Advantage Plan?

Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card (Flex Card)

What is the Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card?
How does the Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card work with my health plan?
How do I activate my Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card?
How do I use the Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card?
Where can I use my Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card?
Where can I manage my Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card?
How can I check my Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card balances?
Who can I talk with about my Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card?
Where can I see what's eligible for purchase?
What if my account has insufficient money to cover the entire purchase?
What do I do if my transaction is declined?
Do my unused benefit amounts roll over?
What if my Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card is lost or stolen?
Is the Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card a credit card?
Will I receive a Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card at the beginning of the year if I already have one?
When will I get my Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card?

Wellness Your Way and Over-the-Counter

What is the Wellness Your Way + Over-The-Counter benefit?
What kind of wellness activities will my benefit pay for?
How do I find out if a wellness activity is covered?
Can I purchase over-the-counter items online?
How can I check if a retailer is approved for Over-the-Counter purchases?
What kind of over-the-counter items can I buy?
How do I manage my Wellness Your Way and Over-the-counter benefits
How do I use my Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card to purchase over-the-counter items?
How long does my Wellness Your Way + Over-The-Counter allowance last?
What do I do if my Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card is declined?

Kroger Grocery Benefit

How do I qualify for the Kroger Grocery benefit?
How does the Kroger Grocery benefit work?
Where can I use my Kroger Grocery benefit?
How do I unlock the Kroger Grocery benefit?
How do I manage my Kroger Grocery balance?
How long do my Kroger Grocery benefit funds last?
What do I do if my Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card is declined?
Can I use my Kroger Grocery benefit at any store?
How do I get reimbursed for groceries for a declined transaction?
What if I don't have a qualifying health condition?
What types of groceries are covered?

Healthy Living

What is the Healthy Rewards spending allowance?
What are the Healthy Living wellness activities I can complete?
How do I review my Healthy Rewards spending allowance?
How long are my earned rewards available?
When is the latest I can earn reward dollars?
What can't I use for my Healthy Rewards dollars for?

Grocery and Utility Benefit D-SNP

How Does The Grocery + Utility Benefit Work?
How do I qualify for the Grocery + Utility Benefit?
How do I unlock the Grocery + Utility Benefit?
What if I don't have a qualifying health condition?
How long does my Grocery + Utility allowance last?
How Do I manage my grocery allowance?
What types of groceries are covered?
How do I use my funds to pay for groceries?
What do I do if my card is declined?
How do I get reimbursed a declined grocery transaction?
Where can I use the Grocery Benefit?
How do I use my funds to pay for utilities?
What types of utilities are covered?
How do I get reimbursed for a utility I paid out of pocket?

Papa Companionship Services

What is Papa?
How many hours are included with my benefit?
What languages do Papa Pals speak?
Can I request the same Papa Pal to visit me every time?
Can Papa schedule my visits by talking to my spouse, son, daughter, or caregiver?
Will my Papa Pal's vehicle be handicap accessible?
Are Papa Pals screened?