5 Steps for Preventing Diabetes

One in three adults in the United States has prediabetes. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes with a few lifestyle changes.

Diabetes prevention infographic

Here are some suggestions to start your journey to preventing diabetes and improving your health.


1. Be active

Look for opportunities each day to move. Thirty minutes a day is the goal, but you could break this up in to ten-minute walks and still get the benefits. Park farther away, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or walk your child to school.


2. Lose weight

Losing just 5% of your body weight can make a big difference in preventing the onset of diabetes. It may sound challenging, but you can make small steps toward accomplishing this goal.1


3. Get screened

Knowing your risk factors is key—these include weight, diet, family history, age, and gender. Talk to your doctor if you think you are at risk of developing diabetes to get the appropriate screenings.2


4. Make healthy food choices

What you eat plays a major role in your risk of developing diabetes. Make small changes to improve your eating habits. That include eating fewer sugary treats, including simple carbs like bread, pasta, and sodas. Making a few improvements now can mean big improvements down the road.


5. Get help

Talk to your doctor if you feel you are at risk for developing diabetes. He or she can help you find the screenings you need to confirm a diagnosis or to give you more tips for prevention.

Related: 5 Steps to Reduce High Blood Pressure

1. https://intermountainhealthcare.org/health-information/health-library/type-2-diabetes/prevention-tips/
2. https://ebu.intermountainhealthcare.org/livewell/prediabetes/

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