Ways to Help People in Need During COVID-19

Wondering if you can make a difference in the lives of others during this pandemic? The answer is yes.

Woman sewing masks for COVID-19, how to help people in need

There are plenty of ways to help people in need, even when we can’t volunteer in person. And helping doesn’t always have to involve money. There are other ways to give back during this unique time:

Share your talent or profession

Perhaps you have a talent to share that could really benefit someone in need. Now is the time to help by sharing what professional talents you might have—whether it’s offering legal, financial, or small business advice. Maybe you’re a whiz at online marketing and could potentially help a struggling business get back on its feet.

Offer to reduce someone’s stress—share your mental health/counseling prowess and talk to someone who’s struggling. Are you a yoga instructor? Help a few neighbors or friends by offering a short yoga class or meditation session online.

Find organized efforts

Visit volunteermatch.org/covid19, allforgood.org, or justserve.org and look for opportunities to serve others from the comfort of your own home. There are many organizations in need and there are many ways to serve virtually such as:

• Calling homebound seniors for a wellness check
• Mentoring children and others online
• Sewing homemade masks for community members
• Writing encouraging notes to healthcare workers, seniors, and other professionals
• Bookkeeping for organizations
• Fundraising for various organizations and groups in need

Related: Reasons Volunteering is Important

Give the gift of your time

The needs of others have likely amplified during social isolation and sheltering in place. Make a small gesture to someone in need—maybe that means offering to clean up someone’s yard, sending someone an encouraging note, or reading to a child online.

There may be individuals or families in your area who can’t make a trip to the grocery store. Offer to pick up a few things for them the next time you shop for your own groceries.
It doesn’t have to take a lot of time or effort, and it may help distract you from your own worries by helping someone else in need. Whatever you choose, you’ll be part of the good occurring all over the world.

How are you helping others during this pandemic? Tell us on Facebook—we’d love to hear from you.

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