4 Ways to Practice Self-Love

We spend so much time loving others and not enough loving ourselves.

Happy woman in front of a mirror, how to practice self love

Do you ever just feel frustrated with your hair, your freckles, or any other presumed flaw you find outside, and even more so, inside yourself?

Feeling down on ourselves is so much easier than identifying the good about ourselves. But, why is that? When you really think about it, the way our bodies function, the things we’re able to accomplish every day, and our very existence is pretty extraordinary. It’s a shame that nitpicking our flaws can be one of our favorite bad habits. But not anymore—it ends today. No more pity parties and no more negativity. Why? Because you’re worth so much more.

It’s time to start learning how to practice self-love. And here are a few ways you can start:

Take care of yourself physically

If you had a bar of chocolate for breakfast and a diet soda for lunch, that’s okay. Sometimes that’s all we can manage on our busiest days. But if you let this happen all the time, you’re not taking care of yourself properly. Taking care of yourself includes moving your body, providing it with the nutrition it needs to function, and—I cannot stress this enough—getting enough sleep. Yes, it’s sometimes impossible to do all three of these things, but if you try your best to achieve all three basic necessities of self-love, you’ll find yourself feeling better in no time. 

Related: Simple Self-care Practices for a Healthy Mind and Body

Do what makes you feel good about yourself

What is your definition of “treating” yourself? Is it spending time with people who love you? Or taking a bubble bath? Do what makes you feel good. And I know it’s cliché, but exercise truly makes a world of difference in how you feel about yourself. But don’t do it to change yourself or because someone told you it’s what you should be doing. Instead, try moving your body by doing something you love to do, whether that means walking, riding your bike, or even dancing. Do what makes you feel good. You’ll notice a difference in how you feel about yourself.

Quit comparing yourself

Honestly, comparison can ruin even the most perfect day. With magazines, TV, and social media so prevalent, it’s no wonder that we form ideas about what we should look or act like, or what we should be doing with our lives. Enough with the “shoulds.” Focus on the goodness in your life and celebrate all your victories—both big and small. Be the best person you can be. And remember, as much as you wish your life was like somebody else’s, they might be thinking the same about you.  

Related: Reasons Why Being Positive Is Good for Your Health

Be nice to yourself

Someone once told me, “Would you talk to your best friend the way you talk to yourself?” And it hit me hard! We can be way too hard on ourselves. We don’t give ourselves enough credit for what we achieve against all odds, and that’s really unfair. To change this, try practicing positive self-talk. Leave positive notes or quotes in places you can see them each day. Practice gratitude for all the goodness in your life and all the talents and skills you have.

And remember, you have the limitless capacity to improve and keep becoming better with each passing day. It might take a while to get the hang of being nice to yourself, but once you do, you’ll find you truly are an extraordinary person.  

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