11 Foods That Fight Aging

It’s never too early to take care of your skin. Here are foods to include in your diet that may delay the onset of aging and will help maintain a healthy glow.

Green smoothie and other healthy foods that help fight aging

It’s been over 500 years since Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León looked for the Fountain of Youth and discovered Florida (which is its own sort of fountain of youth). Since that time, many have claimed various teas, creams, or elixirs would bring back the beauty of youth. But, so far, the best way we know to fight aging is by eating right.

Luckily, some foods can bring you closer to the goal of smooth, radiant skin. And while we’re not promising these foods will take away your wrinkles, the variety of nutrients in them can help slow down the aging process.


Aside from being full of vitamin C, oranges keep you hydrated because they are packed with water. The vitamin C helps make collagen, which increases your skin’s elasticity.


Fish is full of omega-3 fatty acids, which is one of the healthiest fats for you, and it also happens to do wonders for your skin. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that help prevent high blood pressure and heart disease.

Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea hydrates your skin and is high in polyphenols and antioxidants, which are antiaging—drinking it may even help repair damaged cells. It also provides a great substitute for coffee, which can dehydrate your skin.


Full of flavonoids, polyphenols, vitamins, antioxidants, and probiotics, berries are a magical food. The combination of these nutrients can fight inflammation and help your skin stay healthy.


Similar to fish, the nutrients from avocados can help flush toxins from your system and help with wrinkles. As a source of healthy fat, avocados provide vitamins and nutrients your skin needs to stay healthy.

Related: Ode to the Avocado


Did you know you can make a face mask out of honey? Besides being delicious, honey has benefits for your skin whether you eat it or put it on your face. It’s a natural antibacterial exfoliator and moisturizer (to help with acne) that also has antioxidants. If you’re going to use it as a face scrub, raw honey works best. Check out these honey face masks for glowing skin.

Brussels sprouts

In general, a diet that includes plenty of vegetables is good for your skin, and Brussels sprouts are no exception. Brussels sprouts are another great source of vitamins A and C. These vitamins makes collagen and can act as a natural sun protectant (because the sun is bad news for your skin).

Flax and chia seeds

Because they are high in omega-3 fatty acids, flax and chia seeds have similar benefits to fish. Here are ideas on how to incorporate flax seeds into your diet and try new recipes using chia seeds.

Related: Cucumber Tomato Avocado Salad

Leafy greens

There are so many benefits to eating foods like broccoli, kale, and spinach that it’s hard to list them all. Leafy greens can reduce inflammation and protect against sun damage. One cup of kale provides more than 100% of your daily value of vitamins C and A.

Kefir and yogurt

Probiotics, which are plentiful in both yogurt and kefir, reduce inflammation, which can help a variety of skin problems. Probiotics can also help various digestive issues, because a healthy gut can make a big difference with healthy-looking skin.


Foods high in amino acids (found in food such as tofu, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds) help rebuild and repair damaged elasticity in skin. For a well-balanced diet and a healthy glow, incorporate these 11 different foods into your diet and see if they are, in fact, the fountain of youth.

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