7 Surprising Ways to Become A More Creative Person

Here are seven activities you can do daily to get your creative juices flowing.

 Lot's of people working with paper and books at a desk

Creativity is more than just painting or writing a story. Creativity is your mind processing different scenarios and developing multiple solutions. So even if you don’t consider yourself the creative type, improving your creativity will enhance your life.


Whether you love to exercise or hate it, studies show that it not only improves your health and mood, but enhances your creativity as well. In fact, those who exercise on a regular basis are able to solve problems easier, even producing multiple solutions to one problem. So get out and jog, walk, or play a sport and you may solve your problems easier.

Explore other cultures

Adam Galinsky, professor at Northwestern University, performed a study that found those who have lived abroad outperform their peers in creative tasks. Galinsky also found that people showed increased levels of

creativity after watching a slide show about a foreign country. His studies that creativity scores were improved after just 45 minutes of learning. Find time to study new cultures regularly and you may reap the rewards of great creativity.

Go to a coffee shop

Even if you don’t drink coffee, studies show that the atmosphere increases creativity. Ambient noise can actually enhance creativity, while silence can help sharpen your focus. 

Related: Healthy or Just Hype: Is Coffee Good for You?

Take a break

Believe it or not, taking a break is one of the best ways to get creative. Oftentimes we try too hard to develop a new idea or solve a problem when it’s better to let your mind wander.

Listen to music

Music increases creativity by inspiring higher brain functionality and it can improve one’s mood. Daniel J. Levitln, author of the book, This Is Your Brain On Music, said that neuroscience has discovered two main modes of brain operation: One, you’re deeply focused and engaged with something, and two, you’re in “mind-wandering” mode—which is where most of your creative thoughts happen. Levitln described mind-wandering mode as “A flood of different thoughts that feel unconnected and loose.” Music helps get you there.

Related: What Happens to Your Brain When You Listen to Music

Dim the lights

It may seem odd, but research shows that dim lighting can improve your creative thinking. Researchers reasoned that dim lighting may subconsciously make you feel more free to explore.

Laugh out loud

Laughter stimulates the parts of the brain associated with creativity. It also can be relaxing and gives you a positive outlook. So before your next brainstorm session, be sure to get a few laughs in.


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